Smooches and Smacks speaks to a new American
man and woman -- urban, always cosmopolitan; as downtown as he or she is uptown; cultured and multi-cultural; Black, White, Latina and Asian and always on the edge of fashion, culture and entertainment.



Almost Doesn't Count

...SMH!!! and she was so close

Very Sexy®
NEW! Vertical cup convertible push-up bra

Since this is the 2nd time within seven days that I've had to call Star Jones-Reynolds out. Looks like it's clear that she either has a lot of haters in her circle of so-called friends, or else she's a very hard headed women. Which ever it is I see it's left up to me to set ol'girl on the right path once again. From the look of things she was on point with the 'look' but stopped short with her most important accessory . A good bra to pull them ta-ta's up. And as we all know, almost doesn't count. Girls don't make this mistake. Victoria Secret has the bra to keep your girls standing to attention even in the most revealing dress. It's ideal for all of your deep plunge/low cut necklines and you can find it in their Very Sexy® Collection. Find one, buy one or else maybe one day your picture will be posted on SmoocheandSmacks. You've been warned!